Tuesday 12 January 2016

The ISPCC is the Irish society of prevention of cruelty to children. the TY group this year decided to collect for this society. It really opened my eyes to this topic. Child cruelty isn't just about abusing a child, there is many things such as under feeding, under appreciation and many more things that can influence a Childs life. When these under privileged children are abused mentally physically and emotionally it really effects what type of person they become. They start to just feel like these bad things are normal and don't get to reach their potential.
 Over 10,000 children ring childline on Christmas morning to ask why they haven.t got any presents. It really made me grateful for everything and everyone I have, even though it is easy enough to forget about things we have and to want more.
We were put in pairs but I got into a trio with my two friends. Each pair was put in a certain area to stand and collect. My trio was put on Bagget street, and of course we wandered and got lost but luckily the man running it happened to be walking around and put us in a different area closer. We stood and chanted the ISPCC. It is actually really hard because a lot of people try to avoid us as much as possible like pretending to be on the phone or even just pointing in a random direction to convince themselves they had something to look at. We then walked for a bit to a busier place to sell the holly leaves. It was cold but so much fun to collect and good being with friends. We also seen how people with little fortune such as homeless people which was inspiring.
It was a really nice day being ale to go around Dublin where we wanted and collect. It's also such a nice feeling doing nice things over the holidays. Instead of thinking about you want, just to do something even small for others.

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