Tuesday 17 November 2015


On the morning of the 17th of September the T.Ys headed for county Louth. We started off our adventure with an hour and a half journey on the bus. For me the bus is one of the best parts of a journey #busbanter   We arrived @Carlingford town at around half 10.
We were separated into group A and group B. A went to the water sports first! We got into our wet suits which only took about half a day......Hopped into our canoes and sailed away. This challenged was based on team work. It was a struggle at first but then we got the hang of it. There was a water trampoline that we had to race to, but the hard part was actually balancing on it. One of the instructors John pushed a girl into the lake and she lost her shoe in the water.


We then went back to have our lunch....chips, pasta and sausages really hit the spot after a hard day of work. We were then assigned to our rooms ROOM 32 Crew. We were all allowed to explore at night so we went to the Chinese and cute little sweet shop. Before going to bed we went out for a night walk. We walked in the forest in pitch darkness. I loved this because I felt like I was an explorer. Our walk was 4 hours outside including going to a castle where there was a bit of light it was so good apart from the fact of holding in pee for 3 hours. I went to different rooms and then back to 32 at 10:30 curfew. We had so much treats and sweets to last us the an entire month. We stayed up until 5 and then headed to bed....what happens in room 32 stays in room 32.  

Da grub

 @8 we we woken by a Disney theme songs on the intercom ft Frazer the instructor. We freshened up in a warm shower nd got our breakfast. Group A headed for Mystery island where we competed in different mind game challenges for example there was a maze in complete darkness where we had to find our way out. We also had to balance on barrels and jump over ditches. For all our hard work throughout the challenge we got to zip rope....amazing. 
We arrived home in the evening.

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